LOSE AND WALKING FREE: telling story by design

heloooooooo. meet me with my homework. this is my homework and adot homework (but still I am working on job) I really liked the design, layout, editing, etc..
I think I hold linger in front of my laptop to spend time with the world. and I really aspire to work in magazines, melayout and work with the design.
Adot task it is to find 5 people photographer Indonesia in their respective fields. and that's the choice that I liked most, they got pasion respective field of photography.
and my job is the second white, the web design. very simple yes? less crowded in the design because I only have a little time with a lot of tasks that accumulate. and brosur about ninotchka, bcause i very axcited about that cafe, sonya eryka very young enterpreneur. i love her cafe with vintage design and cory place. not to mention the debt long blog post very, very delayed. oh my god February is a month full of work.
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Indah Purnamasari